HOME » Airline Advertising
We propose advertisement exposure related to aircraft such as aircraft wrapping, in-flight magazine advertisement, in-flight sampling, boarding pass advertisement, and use of flight attendantexperience stories.
We can also undertake original menus other than advertising as adesignated agency.
< Handling various aviation media >
Managing "In-flight magazine advertisement", "Aircraft wrapping", "In-flight video content distribution", "In-flight sampling", "Vehicle crew experience comment", "Boarding pass advertisement", "Airport media advertisement", "In-flight sales product development", "EC site", etc.
We can propose various targeted advertisements, new product marketing, development support, and promotion according to aircraft media that meet the needs of our customers, from businessmen to wealthy people.
Our company illustrations of airplanes have been posted on the May 2010 issue of the "Wingspan" (domestic /international)
コンテンツ制作 ANA
Video for Twitter
ANAzarashi comes out from the right, bows in the middle, and handles to the left.
Video for Facebook for Overseas
This is a video for Easter. Eggs appear one after another,ANA zarashi comes out from the egg and flies away.
As advertising PR specialists, we combine marketing content, social media and environmental expertise to help you find the best solution for your business.